How to Prevent Calling Loaded Unloaded Methods of Pages and UCs When User Reconnects RDC in WPF C#?
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How to Prevent Calling Loaded Unloaded Methods of Pages and UCs When User Reconnects RDC in WPF C#?

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrating issue of loaded unloaded methods being called when a user reconnects to a Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) in your WPF C# application? Do you struggle to maintain the state of your pages and user controls (UCs) when the connection is reestablished? Fear not, dear developer, for we have a solution for you!

Understanding the Problem

When a user connects to a Remote Desktop, the WPF application is suspended, and the UI is unloaded. However, when the user reconnects, the application is resumed, and the UI is reloaded. This can lead to unexpected behavior, including the calling of loaded and unloaded methods of pages and UCs. This can result in errors, data corruption, and a poor user experience.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason behind this behavior lies in the way WPF handles the Loaded and Unloaded events. These events are triggered when the UI is loaded or unloaded, respectively. When the application is suspended, the UI is unloaded, and the Unloaded event is fired. Conversely, when the application is resumed, the UI is reloaded, and the Loaded event is fired. This can lead to unexpected calls to loaded and unloaded methods, causing chaos in your application.

Solutions to the Problem

Fear not, dear developer, for we have a few solutions up our sleeve to prevent the calling of loaded unloaded methods when a user reconnects to an RDC in WPF C#.

Solution 1: Using a Flag to Track the Connection State

One way to solve this issue is to use a flag to track the connection state. When the user connects or disconnects, set the flag accordingly. Then, in your loaded and unloaded methods, check the flag before executing any code. If the flag indicates that the connection is not active, simply return without executing any code.

private bool isConnected = true;

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (!isConnected) return;
    // Code to execute when the window is loaded

private void Window_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (!isConnected) return;
    // Code to execute when the window is unloaded

private void ConnectionStateChanged(bool isConnected)
    this.isConnected = isConnected;
    if (!isConnected)
        // Code to execute when the connection is lost
        // Code to execute when the connection is reestablished

Solution 2: Using a Custom Event to Notify the Application of Connection Changes

Another approach is to create a custom event to notify the application of connection changes. When the user connects or disconnects, raise the custom event. Then, in your loaded and unloaded methods, check for the event before executing any code. If the event indicates that the connection is not active, simply return without executing any code.

public event EventHandler<ConnectionChangedEventArgs> ConnectionChanged;

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (ConnectionChanged != null)
        ConnectionChanged(this, new ConnectionChangedEventArgs(false));

private void Window_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (ConnectionChanged != null)
        ConnectionChanged(this, new ConnectionChangedEventArgs(true));

public class ConnectionChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public bool IsConnected { get; set; }

private void ConnectionStateChanged(bool isConnected)
    ConnectionChanged?.Invoke(this, new ConnectionChangedEventArgs(isConnected));

Solution 3: Using a Dispatcher to Ensure Thread Safety

A third approach is to use a dispatcher to ensure thread safety. When the user connects or disconnects, use the dispatcher to invoke a method that sets a flag or raises an event. Then, in your loaded and unloaded methods, use the dispatcher to check the flag or event before executing any code. If the flag indicates that the connection is not active, simply return without executing any code.

private Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
private bool isConnected = true;

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
        if (!isConnected) return;
        // Code to execute when the window is loaded
    }, DispatcherPriority.Normal);

private void Window_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
        if (!isConnected) return;
        // Code to execute when the window is unloaded
    }, DispatcherPriority.Normal);

private void ConnectionStateChanged(bool isConnected)
    dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() =>
        this.isConnected = isConnected;
        if (!isConnected)
            // Code to execute when the connection is lost
            // Code to execute when the connection is reestablished
    }, DispatcherPriority.Normal);

Best Practices

In addition to the solutions above, here are some best practices to keep in mind when dealing with loaded and unloaded methods in WPF C#:

  • Use the Loaded and Unloaded events judiciously, and only when necessary. These events can be triggered multiple times during the application’s lifetime, so be mindful of performance and resource usage.
  • Avoid executing long-running tasks or database queries in loaded and unloaded methods. Instead, use asynchronous programming or background workers to keep the UI responsive.
  • Use dependency injection or a service locator to provide instances of dependencies, rather than creating them in loaded and unloaded methods.
  • Keep the loaded and unloaded methods lightweight and focused on UI-related tasks. Avoid executing business logic or data access code in these methods.
  • Test your application thoroughly to ensure that the loaded and unloaded methods are working as expected, especially when dealing with RDC connections.


In conclusion, preventing the calling of loaded unloaded methods of pages and UCs when a user reconnects to an RDC in WPF C# requires a combination of creativity and careful planning. By using a flag to track the connection state, a custom event to notify the application of connection changes, or a dispatcher to ensure thread safety, you can ensure that your application behaves as expected even when the connection is reestablished. Remember to follow best practices, such as using the Loaded and Unloaded events judiciously, avoiding long-running tasks, and keeping the methods lightweight and focused on UI-related tasks.

By implementing these solutions and best practices, you can provide a seamless and reliable user experience, even when dealing with the complexities of Remote Desktop Connections.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of dealing with calling loaded unloaded methods of Pages and UCs when a user reconnects to RDC in WPF C#? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you prevent this common issue.

What is the main reason behind calling loaded unloaded methods of Pages and UCs when a user reconnects to RDC in WPF C#?

The main reason behind this issue is that when a user reconnects to RDC, the entire application is reloaded, which causes the loaded and unloaded methods of Pages and UCs to be called again. This is because WPF rebuilds the visual tree and reloads the entire application when the user reconnects to RDC.

How can I prevent calling loaded unloaded methods of Pages and UCs when a user reconnects to RDC in WPF C#?

One way to prevent this issue is to use a static flag to track whether the application has already been loaded. You can set the flag to true in the Application_Startup event and check its value in the loaded and unloaded methods of Pages and UCs. If the flag is true, skip the execution of the loaded and unloaded methods.

Can I use a singleton pattern to prevent calling loaded unloaded methods of Pages and UCs when a user reconnects to RDC in WPF C#?

Yes, you can use a singleton pattern to prevent this issue. Create a singleton class that tracks whether the application has already been loaded. In the loaded and unloaded methods of Pages and UCs, check the singleton instance’s flag and skip the execution if it’s true.

Is there a way to prevent calling loaded unloaded methods of Pages and UCs when a user reconnects to RDC in WPF C# using MVVM pattern?

Yes, in MVVM pattern, you can prevent this issue by using a flag in the ViewModel that tracks whether the View has already been loaded. In the loaded and unloaded methods of the View, check the ViewModel’s flag and skip the execution if it’s true.

What are some other best practices to prevent calling loaded unloaded methods of Pages and UCs when a user reconnects to RDC in WPF C#?

Some other best practices include using a caching mechanism to store the data, using a lazy loading approach to load the data only when needed, and using a robust error handling mechanism to handle any exceptions that may occur during the reloading process.