Could we impose to a SARIMA model that the sum of predict values equals a given value (in R)?
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Could we impose to a SARIMA model that the sum of predict values equals a given value (in R)?

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As data analysts and enthusiasts, we’ve all been there – trying to tame the wild beast of time series forecasting. One of the most popular and powerful tools in our arsenal is the SARIMA model. But, what if we need to impose a specific constraint on our predictions? Specifically, can we force the sum of our predicted values to equal a given value in R? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of constrained optimization and explore how to achieve this goal.

The Basics of SARIMA Models

Before we dive into the meat of the topic, let’s quickly review the basics of SARIMA models. SARIMA stands for Seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average, and it’s a powerful tool for modeling time series data.

  • p: The number of autoregressive terms
  • d: The degree of differencing (i.e., how many times to difference the data)
  • q: The number of moving average terms
  • P, D, Q: The seasonal counterparts of p, d, and q

An Example in R


# Load the AirPassengers dataset

# Create a SARIMA model
fit <- auto.arima(AirPassengers, seasonal = TRUE)

# Plot the original data and the forecast
ggplot() +
  geom_line(aes(x = time(AirPassengers), y = AirPassengers)) +
  geom_line(aes(x = time(fit[['mean']]), y = fit[['mean']]), color = 'red')

In this example, we use the auto.arima() function from the forecast package to create a SARIMA model for the AirPassengers dataset. We then plot the original data alongside the forecasted values.

The Challenge: Imposing a Sum Constraint

Now, let’s say we want to impose a constraint on our predicted values. Specifically, we want the sum of our predicted values to equal a given value, say 1000. How can we achieve this?

One approach is to use constrained optimization techniques. We can reformulate our problem as an optimization problem, where we minimize the sum of squared errors between our predicted values and the true values, subject to the constraint that the sum of our predicted values equals 1000.

Constrained Optimization in R


# Define the objective function (sum of squared errors)
obj_func <- function(params, y, X) {
  pred <- X %*% params
  sum((y - pred)^2)

# Define the constraint matrix and vector
A <- matrix(c(rep(1, nrow(X)), rep(0, nrow(X))), nrow = 1)
b <- c(1000)

# Define the bounds for the parameters
lb <- rep(-Inf, ncol(X))
ub <- rep(Inf, ncol(X))

# Solve the optimization problem
res <- solve.QP(Dmat = X %*% t(X), dvec = -X %*% y, Amat = A, bvec = b, meq = 1, lb = lb, ub = ub)

# Extract the optimal parameters
opt_params <- res$solution

# Make predictions using the optimal parameters
pred <- X %*% opt_params

In this example, we use the quadprog package to solve the constrained optimization problem. We define the objective function as the sum of squared errors between our predicted values and the true values, and we define the constraint matrix and vector to ensure that the sum of our predicted values equals 1000.

Integrating with SARIMA Models

Now, let’s integrate our constrained optimization approach with SARIMA models. We can use the same trick as before, where we reformulate our problem as an optimization problem, but this time, we’ll use the SARIMA model as the underlying model.


# Create a SARIMA model
fit <- auto.arima(y, seasonal = TRUE)

# Extract the predicted values
pred <- predict(fit, n.ahead = 10)$pred

# Define the constraint matrix and vector
A <- matrix(c(rep(1, length(pred))), nrow = 1)
b <- c(1000)

# Define the bounds for the parameters
lb <- rep(-Inf, length(pred))
ub <- rep(Inf, length(pred))

# Solve the optimization problem
res <- solve.QP(Dmat = diag(length(pred)), dvec = -pred, Amat = A, bvec = b, meq = 1, lb = lb, ub = ub)

# Extract the optimal parameters
opt_params <- res$solution

# Scale the predicted values to satisfy the constraint
scaled_pred <- pred * opt_params / sum(pred)

In this example, we use the same approach as before, but this time, we use the predicted values from the SARIMA model as the starting point. We then solve the constrained optimization problem to find the optimal scaling factor that satisfies the sum constraint.


In this article, we’ve shown how to impose a sum constraint on the predicted values of a SARIMA model in R. By reformulating our problem as a constrained optimization problem, we can use quadratic programming to find the optimal solution that satisfies our constraint.

This approach can be extended to other types of constraints, such as box constraints or more complex nonlinear constraints. By combining the power of SARIMA models with the flexibility of constrained optimization, we can create more accurate and realistic forecasts that meet our specific needs.

Future Directions

There are many potential directions for future research and development. Some possible avenues include:

  • Extending the approach to other types of time series models, such as Prophet or LSTM
  • Developing more efficient algorithms for solving the constrained optimization problem
  • Applying the approach to real-world datasets and evaluating its performance

As data analysts and enthusiasts, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with time series forecasting. By exploring new techniques and approaches, we can create more accurate and reliable forecasts that drive business value and insights.

Keyword Frequency
Constrained optimization 4
R 5
Forecasting 3
Time series 6

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Here is the HTML code with 5 Questions and Answers about “Could we impose to a SARIMA model that the sum of predict values equals a given value (in R)?”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your burning questions about SARIMA models in R!

Is it possible to constrain the sum of predicted values in a SARIMA model to a specific value?

While there isn’t a direct way to impose this constraint in R’s built-in `arima` function, you can use alternative approaches, such as Bayesian methods or constrained optimization techniques, to achieve this goal.

What are the potential issues with imposing a sum constraint on predicted values in a SARIMA model?

One major concern is that imposing a sum constraint might lead to overfitting or unrealistic model behavior. Additionally, it may require complex optimization algorithms, which can be computationally expensive and challenging to implement.

How can I implement a constrained optimization approach in R to achieve the desired sum of predicted values?

You can use R packages like `optim` or `nlminb` to implement constrained optimization techniques, such as nonlinear least squares or quadratic programming. These methods will allow you to optimize the model parameters while respecting the sum constraint.

Are there any Bayesian methods that can inherently handle sum constraints in SARIMA models?

Yes, Bayesian approaches like the ones implemented in the `brms` or `rstan` packages can easily accommodate sum constraints through the use of posterior samplers or Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. These packages provide a flexible framework for specifying complex models with constraints.

What are the implications of imposing a sum constraint on the interpretability and reliability of the SARIMA model?

Imposing a sum constraint can affect the model’s interpretability, as the resulting predictions might not be directly comparable to the original data. Moreover, the constrained model may not capture the underlying patterns and relationships as accurately as an unconstrained model, which could impact the reliability of the predictions.